10 augustus, 2009

Nihilistisch soefi-anarchisme?

Anarchisten in het Hasjemitisch koninkrijk van de Jordaan:
Lately, we became part of a bigger movement called the social left, which consists of Marxists, feminists and others. Despite the fact that the movement has more than 1,000 members, we anarchists have, relatively, a very strong influence and effect in/on the group. We meet in an Anti-globalization office in Jordan.

When we started reading, we looked for any form of anarchy in our own history and local culture. After reading a book called “Sufi tropics” written by an Iraqi writer (Hadi al Alawi), we found that Sufism is ALL ABOUT anarchism. Actually we found a website on the internet that talks about Sufi-anarchism… now most of us label themselves as Sufi anarchists. We even found Sufi anarchist movements and groups from the 8-16th centuries. So, after reading what we were able to find from Bakunin’s, Proudhon’s and Kropotkin’s books, and after studying the history of anarchy in Spain, Ukraine, Paris, Mexico… and after studying Sufism, we started to have our own understanding of anarchism.

others r messed up comrade of us even worked on his own understanding of sufi-anarchism in a way compatible with his own understanding of post-modernism and the fall of ideology or what he called nihilist Sufi anarchism (plz don’t ask me to explain!!!)

We heard about other groups in Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon and Palestine, but never met any of them.

Zo kan men dus ook over soefi's en anarchisme schrijven....

Op een conferentie in Aberystwyth - waar ik een inleiding hoorde over Goethe, die in het oorspronkelijke voorwoord van West-östlicher Divan geschreven heeft dat hij welllicht zelf moslim was - vertelde de inleider mij toen hij hoorde van mijn specialisme dat het religieus anarchisme bij uitstek bij de soefi's te vinden is.

Meer op deze, deze en deze sites - de twee laatste hoofdzakelijk in het Arabisch.

Geen opmerkingen: