19 september, 2007

Christelijke natie (n-a-t-i-e)

- Surveys show that the majority of Americans cannot name even one of the four Gospels, only one-third know that it was Jesus who delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and 10 percent think that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. (Hey, at least they know that Noah was associated with an ark—or is that Arc?)

Some of the details reported by Prothero are funny in a perverse sort of way ("many high school seniors think that Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife"). Others are eye-opening. Prothero makes a convincing case for the claim that devout Christians are, on average, at least as ignorant about the facts of Christianity as are other Americans. Sixty percent of evangelicals think Jesus was born in Jerusalem; only 51 percent of the Jews surveyed made the same mistake. And things are not getting any better. As pollster George Barna reports, "The younger a person is, the less they understand about the Christian faith."

Past bij de overtuiging van 62,8 % van de VS-ingezetenen dat Nicaragua, en 81,1 % dat Irak, en nu 74,6 % dat Iran een levensgevaarlijke bedreiging van de US of A is resp. was zonder dat de ondervraagden in staat zijn deze landen op een wereldkaart aan te wijzen. Dat laatste geeft niet, want meestal kunnen ze de VS zelf niet eens aanwijzen.

En veertig procent weet zeker dat de wereld zevenduizend jaar bestaat. Onwetendheid is macht, zoals Orwell zo scherpzinnig vaststelde. (Hij bedoelde het wel anders).

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